Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Confident or Delusional?

I went out with this one fella a few times. Very nice, attractive actually (but, I wasn't attracted), and very funny. Just a goofy guy. But, not my future hubby--sorry. When I know, I believe I'll know--or so I hear.

Regardless, this guy was someone who entertained me. I just had fun with him and he seemed very nice. But, after date 3--when I learned he's never had a girlfriend in his life--I decided  to cut it off. I was not going to be his social experiment. I say no to guinea-pig girlfriend status. Plus,  if he's 27 and has never had a girlfriend, something is surely wrong here.

The Texts
After date 3, Mr. Persistent, we shall call him, kept texting--random things. Quite hilarious actually. I'd tell you one, but my mind seems to be running blank at the moment. Then, after about a week, he requests to hangout all ... the ... time. I work like 70-80 hours a week, so that makes it quite easy to use, "Sorry, I have to work," as my bail-out reason. It's true, which I like. I hate lying. Plus, so much easier than, "Sorry, I'm just not that into you." So--I simply stick with my "excuse," in hopes they give up. I mean unless I really want to see the guy. Not in this case.

Finally, after day 6 of, "Let's haaaannnngggg like Monkeys!"

Um....did he really just say that? Perhaps that's why no girlfriend--ever.

I texted: "Look, I think you're great, but I'm looking to get married in a year [I had to freak this guy out...yes, I want to find a potential partner, but I'm not crazy and would never say this to a guy I went out with only a handful of times lol...unless I just wanted to cut the stage 5 clinger...in this case I did]. And you've never had a girlfriend. I think we're in different places. But, good luck!"

He responded: "I don't think so! We should still hang."

What????!!!! If I were a guy, I'd run for the hills!

.... I think he did because I didn't hear from him after. Plan achieved! Mental side note: to rid of future dudes, I will say I want to get married in 6 months...it'll likely cut things off faster.

Then, 5 months later--the texts reappeared. "I want to see you! I can't stop thinking of you....."

I didn't reply, but then the texts kept coming..daily....in forms of, "Let's hang out! Come on! Don't use your hotness as a weapon..." and on and on and on.

Is He for Real?
Then--the epitome text of is he for real ???!!! 

Mr. Persistent texts, "I want to do the f'n thing with you."

What?!!! Now, I realize I've been out of the dating world for quite some time, and some have called me old-school, but I don't think that I'm that far off from the dating scene!!! Not normal...or even one-tenth appropriate!!! My goodness! I was seriously disturbed. Did this guy think he was coming off as confident? Because I happen to think he was clearly delusional.

Ughhhh... he now is in my phone as "delusional" and no, I'm not so delusional that I pick up or respond.

The dating continues...

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